Differences Dirt, Topsoil, Sandy Loam

What's so different about Dirt?  (Topsoil - Soil / Dirt Overview)

Every day at Select Sand and Gravel we provide different types of soil to customers for different applications.  We strive to provide the correct material to the homeowner or professional contractor so that the delivered soil material makes the residential project or commercial jobsite work as easy as possible.  Without the proper information it can be difficult to get the desired result.  In striving to assist our customers with product selection this article is written to provide the average homeowner or contractor with a better understanding of the differences in soil.

Definition of Soil 

All soil is composed of Sand, Silt and Clay.  These designations are simply an expression of the size of the soil particles.  Sand is the largest soil particle which is typically composed of silica and quartz.  The next size soil particle is silt and the smallest size is clay.  All of the soil delivered by Select Sand and Gravel is some combination of sand, silt and clay. The higher the sand content in a particular soil the more gritty the material.  Also, a higher sand content means water will more easily pass. The smoother, more slimy a soil feels, especially when wet, the higher the clay content.

Application of Soil, Dirt

Our company strives assist customers in determining the specific soil needed for the project or application.  We want to provide a material that is the correct combination of sand silt and clay.

When we provide specific soil to a customer for certain applications we want to provide a material that is the correct combination of sand, silt and clay so that it has the desired effect for the project.


For instance, if a homeowner needs topsoil for their front yard to grow grass but the existing soil has a high clay content we would not want to send a screened topsoil that has a high clay content.  We would recommend a screened sandy loam that has a higher sand content to promote water drainage in the soil and grass health.  In addition, for a commercial contractor trying to build a PAD site for a foundation we would not recommend sand to this customer.  In so doing, we would be delivering the contractor a material that would not compact.  We would deliver the contractor a select fill dirt that has a higher clay content more suited for the job.


Select Sand & Gravel is a Fill Dirt, Sandy Loam, and Topsoil supplier. We specialize in dirt and topsoil delivery. In addition, we are a Crushed Rock supplier (see the article Titled, "Crushed Limestone Rock vs. Crushed Concrete Rock" for additional details on the differences of the types of Crushed Rock).  Select Sand & Gravel is an excellent resource for Topsoil, Dirt, and Sandy Loam in the Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio and Houston areas.

Click our Product Page for Topsoil, Dirt, Sandy Loam options.

Please contact us at our office numbers for a free estimate or for any additional information.