Contact Us - Select Sand & Gravel

Call Now for a Sand, Gravel, Dirt or Rock Delivery Estimate:   817 572 6310

Crushed Stone, Crushed Rock, Rip Rap, Aggregate

Select Sand & Gravel is available to provide estimates or to discuss material needs for construction and other project types.  We provide material delivery of Sand, Gravel, Rock, Topsoil, Road Base, and Fill Dirt via Dump Truck or End-Dump Trucking.  We haul to locations in Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, Houston, San Antonio, Texas, and Oklahoma City.  Contact us for a Free Estimate or to schedule delivery.

When Sand & Gravel DELIVERY matters choose SELECT - Select Sand & Gravel!

Dallas / Fort Worth: 817 572 6310

Austin: 512-651-2297

San Antonio: 210-280-8798

Houston: 713-489-9992

Fax: 817 295 7854                   EMAIL:

Please use the form below to provide a Delivery Address (required for estimate) and/or specific Sand & Gravel needs.

NOTE:  Delivery only -  Minimum qty for delivery is 5 yds/6 tons. If a field below does not apply enter 'N/A'.